March 9, 2020
By: Juelanda Thompson
As they transitioning back to a normal state of affairs, on Friday, February 14, students at The Beacon School received a generous donation of $10,000 to assist with purchasing school uniforms and physical education (P.E) kits.
The 100 students and faculty held a special assembly, followed by the presentation and a heartfelt encouragement from the donors, The Fountain of New Life Ministries, Sonless Martin, Pastor Wayne Lomax and Minister of Disaster Preparedness Management and Reconstruction, Iram Lewis.
The $10,000 was presented in a cheque form and will be distributed as a $75 voucher to be spent at Pat’s Uniform and $25 at the Uniform Factory. The students were elated about the donation and expressed an overwhelming love of gratitude for the kindness extended.
Representatives from Fountain of New Life Ministries, a church in Miami Gardens, Florida, and Minister Lewis noted the donation was a demonstration that love is something that you continuously intend to give away.
“You can show love in many different ways – emotionally, psychologically, financially and otherwise – and this morning, we are here to show love to The Beacon School. This morning was a part of a very great assembly outlining what the students have to cover for the rest of the year, so we are here to support that initiative and we also came bearing gifts,” said Lewis.
“This gift of $10,000 donated between myself, Sonless Martin, Pastor Lomax and The Fountain of New Life Ministries is very significant, because our funds are earmarked for the students to buy the school uniforms as well as their P.E. uniforms,” he added.
“During the devastation of Hurricane Dorian, much was lost. A lot of persons were struggling and there were certain organizations that fell through the cracks, but as Mr. Martin has indicated he has been focusing on the school for over the last 10 years and once he contacted me some three years ago, I have been partnering with him and I made a commitment to continue on with this partnership. This is going to go a long way to bring some relief to the students as well as the faculty. This is an indication that there is no distance in love,” he exclaimed.
“Sonless is from The Bahamas but lives in Miami and he has made a commitment to give back and he could’ve chosen any organization, he could’ve chosen any country, but he chose to come to Freeport and to no better organization than The Beacon School.
“I also think it is very fitting because often times, organizations like this are forgotten, but his commitment to this initiative is strong. The church is really behind him, here to partner, and like I always say to everyone there is always life after politics. So, even after the political life, this life goes on and I will continue to be his partner,” Lewis said.
Martin, who is also a partner with the Collateral Consultant Group was extremely excited to be a part of the presentation and hopeful the funds assist the students as they continue to recover in the aftermath of the storm.
“It’s a good effort that we have been carrying out for the last 10 years,” Martin said. “My pastor always told me that education is the greatest equalizer. I mean you could take anything and everything away from it, but education you can’t really take when it starts from this level. So, with that being said, once the kids have their education that could help influx their resources that will live on further than myself. Education after education will always produce jobs.”
Martin’s pastor, Lomax joined in and expressed excitement over his Bahamian church member that has never seem to forgotten from whence he came. He deemed the moment one to truly remember and described the smiles on the students’ faces, a reason to keep on giving.
“I am honoured to be a part of this activity at The Beacon School here in Freeport. Our church has been blessed to be associated with our leadership class and for the leadership class to have a vision of doing something here. To see it last more than 10 years through the direction of Sonless Martin is aspiring.
“This opportunity is a great one, I got to meet the school’s principal, the faculty, student body and in light of what has taken place here recently, in terms of the hurricane, it is great to see that some things are doing well and seeing that some persons have survived the storm. We look forward to being a part of their future,” said Lomax.
Each student is sure to receive the two vouchers for their uniform and P.E kits and The Beacon School Principal Titi McKenzie-Moss, thanked the three donors for their gracious donation.
The principal informed the school did receive damages from Dorian, but they have now remodeled and are back to living standards. Nonetheless, she said, the $10,000 is a helpful move in the right direction.
“We are so happy for this generous donation from Mr. Martin, Mr. Lewis and the Fountain of New Life Ministries. They have been working with us over the years and today they have just maxed out.
“They are giving us $10,000 for our students go towards their uniform and we are so grateful, because definitely after Dorian our students lost all of their school supplies and also their clothing. So, this will now ensure that every child in our school will have their own uniform for school.
“We are definitely grateful and thankful,” said McKenzie-Moss.